Arkansas District Court Clerks Association

Association Administration

Most of the Association’s work is achieved by forming committees, so please volunteer to participate in any of the following committees.  We need your help and would like for you to become involved with the activities going on within the Association.  All nominees must be Association members in good standing.  If you are a deputy clerk, you will need a letter from your chief clerk to confirm your availability to attend all the necessary meetings associated with your appointment. Any member in good standing may recommend a person to serve on the Board or on a committee. If you are interested in serving on the Association’s Board or on a committee, please submit this form to the current Association President.  All nominations will be taken into consideration by the Association President, prior to appointment or election.  Those nominated for a position on the Board of Officers will be elected at by vote at an annual business meeting. The President will appoint committee members unless the committee is governed by the Bylaws of the Association.  The President may create a committee as he or she deems necessary.  The President will also make appointments as vacancies occur. Thank you for your interests.  If you have any questions or would like some additional information, please contact a member of the Board of Officers.

Our Committees